Author: admin

Tuesday 7th August

Tuesday 7th August

New quest of the day from the IJADblog!


Exactly one year ago riots took place in London – we have many questions to ask you about this.

Were you here?

Did you take part?

Did you care?

What did you think of it?

Do you still care?



You can reply to us via Twitter – we’ll be there too @IJADdance

through our In-Finite webpage

or via email at


Come on, we’re waiting!






New Blog!

New Blog!

Welcome to the new IJADblog!

We are currently working on our project In-Finite that merges the collection of secrets from international audiences with performance, new technology and social media – yes, a lot of work!

As we wait for out new secrets section of the website to be up and running, we would like to tell you a  little bit about what’s happening with us and our great news for the future.


Great news number 1: after the success of our work in progress performance at the Rich Mix in July, we now have a date, a place and a theme for our next performance… and it’s pretty big! Can’t begin to describe how excited we  are!


Great news number 2: we have set out on a new quest. We are still going to collect as many secrets as we can for the next few months but this time… we are going to play a little!


This first week we are dedicating our attention to… yes… the Olympics, so let’s get started with the games and here is the first  question of the week for you:


Monday 6th August 2012

London Olympics 2012: one more week before the break to Paralympics!

To begin the week we will ask something very simple :

“Who would you compete against and in what?”

(This can really be anyone in anything!)




You can reply to us via Twitter – we’ll be there too @IJADdance,

or  through our In-Finite webpage in the comments box

or via email at

Come on, we’re waiting!

In-Finite at Rich Mix London 14th of July

In-Finite at Rich Mix London 14th of July

What a successful evening for IJAD!

The work in progress performance of In-Finite was well received and the interest and curiosity from the audience was overwhelming.
We even got a donation for our Sponsume target!
We are working hard to raise our budget over the next fifteen days so please everyone spread the word and go on our Sponsume page:

Also the whole performance is available online on Ustream: a href:

What an inspiring evening for our future work, we are planning, creating, brainstorming and are even more energetic and inventive than before.

Thanks to all the supporters and keep following us!



IJAD is running a series of workshops as part of the research for In-Finite. The workshops will incorporate a fusion of dance styles, ranging from neo-classical to floor work, leading to a creative session using improvisation with the focus on using twitter as a creative tool.

By using user generated content, collected through social media and other networks, IJAD will explore the integration of dance and technology, using them to celebrate peoples’ lives and experiences.

The first workshop will take place on the 16th of November in London from 1pm to 4pm.

Places at the first session are FREE but limited, please email to confirm your place.

To find out more about In-Finite visit the project page:

See our show!

See our show!

Current project In-Finite is in full swing. After successful R&D residency periods at Laban and DanceDigital, IJAD will be showcasing work in progress extract My multitude me at the following events:

Thursday 17 November – Scratch! The Basement, Brighton
Scratch! presents 3-4 short excerpts from brand new performances. Popular with audiences keen to flex their critical muscles and help artists develop new performances. Scratch! is a fantastic opportunity to see innovative contemporary performance in the making.

Thursday 24 November – Testing Ground: Experiments in Dance, Theatre Bristol
The beautiful Circomedia space, in Portland Square, will be hosting Testing Ground, an exciting performance platform for dance work. All performers will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their work. This will be through a question and answer session with the audience and then a retrospective discussion with the Testing Ground team including Theatre Bristol and other arts professionals.

Saturday 26 November – Practice, ICIA Arts Theatre & Arts Barn, Bath
Practice is a platform giving artists and audiences the opportunity to test and see new and innovative contemporary performance and dance in development. Practice consists of four selected extracts of work in progress. An informal discussion follows, which forms an integral part of the evening; its purpose to create a safe environment for an engaging exchange of views between artists and a real audience. It’s a place for experiments, a place for practice and a place for shaping new ideas.

We really hope you can make it to one of these performances and look forward to hearing what you think of our work so far.

To find out more about In-Finite visit the project page:

New website!

New website!

We are pleased to announce that IJAD’s brand new website is here! We’d like to say a huge thank you to Thomas Prestidge who has beautifully designed and built it for us.

The site includes information on all of IJAD’s activity, handily stored in one place.

By visiting the new website you can keep up to date with current project In-Finite, contribute to the research and see the work being made. We’re inviting audiences from all over the UK to contribute to the project by sharing with us their own untold stories and secrets (through social media networks). We are aiming to collect 2012 secrets by the end of 2011 so please submit yours and ask your friends to share theirs.