IJAD Dance Company is inviting you to contribute to the development of its new multimedia performance, In-Finite, to be performed online and physically from July 2012 until November 2013.
How can you contribute?
Donating anonymously your untold story or secret, leaving a comment on our website: http://bit.ly/tklery, (the email address does not need to be a genuine one…)
We can accept your secrets in the following formats: text, music, video or image.
If you want to see our latest work in progress using your secrets keep an eye on our website: https://ijaddancecompany.com/ containing links to all our social media sites
Why secrets?
Secrets can take many forms, outlines, patterns; they can be overwhelming, funny, empowering, silly, meaningful, passionate; they can connect us to our deepest humanity and they are a powerful tool of inspiration.
This is an example of a secret donated in 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IjZyFRqgWlk