Led by Artistic Director, Joumana Mourad, the In-Finite project explores the different realities of the physical and virtual platforms.
In light of the revolutionary way communication has changed, In-Finite was born in 2011 to present new ways for the performance world to adapt.
Following people like you and me, IJAD set out to understand how we use technology in our daily lives and integrate this into every element of performance.
Secrets were chosen because everyone around the globe has one. We all keep them for the same reasons and they affect us in the same ways. The content changes depending on your culture, religion, gender, age, identity, job and so forth. This creates amazing commentary socially, politically, economically and personally.
As actor Mark Rylance says:
“If you’re an artist, a really useful thing to do is to look for secrets – things that are forbidden to be said. Maybe people are frightened of something, maybe they don’t have the words to express it, but those are the things that need to be said by theatre. That’s what it’s here for. Look for those secrets in society and inside yourself and give them a voice. That’s the role of an artist in our society.”
We received that quote from one of our followers on Facebook who saw it, thought of us, and shared it on our wall. This illustrates perfectly how technology can flower into a tool of artistic collaboration. We’re not just stopping there though – the relationship between creativity and technology goes much deeper…
· From starting with user-generated content, asking for secrets from people around the globe in a way not possible a couple of decades ago
· Using technology as part of the creative process, utilising how we interpret ideas through different lenses/mediums
· Documenting the creative process so audiences can see how performance is developed from conception to completion
· During a performance, showing live streaming from other parts of the world with other performers
· Showing pre-edited film which captures another time, feeling and place – which affects this one
· Asking the audience to get their smartphones, camera and tablets out to interpret what they are seeing and to share it across the web
· Streaming the performance to a global audience – who can interact with each other and those present
· Which enables people to view the whole process later, at their convenience.
This is part of sensography, a practice developed by IJAD which gives a 360 view of dancers performing without loss of emotional intensity. If you’ve ever filmed a band or a school play, you’ll know it’s not the same – we’re changing that.
The Arts Council has supported both our research and our launch alongside a range of projects nationwide which shows how performance can benefit as many people as possible through technology.
Dcms digital strategy
Digital giving in the arts
In-Finite. This describes both the limitless inside of the self where secrets hide. It describes the limitless potential for sharing the self with the world.
In. Finite.
So how can you get involved?
We’ll be collecting secrets over the next few months. Donate your secret by tweeting to @shhh2013, right here, or by commenting on the blog below!