Sunday afternoon on Brick Lane market.
Stalls of clothes, furniture, food and… secrets!
The IJADteam set about on the sunny closing day of the Olympics for face to face social media in the streets of London, the result is pretty impressive!
We collected so many different and surprising secrets we just won’t be able to stop popping up everywhere, at every market, every single week!
The first few curious looks from the crowds started as we put up three big white sheets on a closed shutter of an estate agency. When the “Shhh” sign was up the first few comments started:
“Shh? What are you telling me to Shhh for?”,
“Oh go on, let’s see what the Shhing is all about”.
So through our yellow post its, through listening, through recording and facebooking we managed to collect untold stories and can now share them with you on this less sunny Monday morning!
This is definitely just the beginning of our pop up adventure, watch out for us on street corners!