OOTFest opportunity


Open Online Theatre’s festival of hybrid performing arts

Paid Opportunity

Applications are open for innovative performance creators using digital technologies to take part in OOTFest25 (UN)SEEN. This hybrid festival will be live streamed from a London venue in June 2025 on the Open Online Theatre streaming platform.

About Open Online Theatre (OOT)

OOT is IJAD’s digital playground, an interactive streaming platform where we host performances,  panel discussions, co-creation sessions, workshops and OOTFest festivals of Hybrid performance.

About OOTFest25 

This is the 4th Hybrid OOTFest. OOTFest25 (UN)SEEN performances will be live streamed from London to live and virtual audiences nationally and internationally in June 2025. OOTFest25 (UN)SEEN is a showcase for emerging to mid-career performance creators who creatively integrate digital technologies into their work. 

Participating Artists

We invite applications from performing artists of any kind, who are creating innovative, ground-breaking work of a high professional quality that is created specifically for digital-hybrid formats. Tell us what technologies you’re using so we can work out ways to integrate them.

Artists will benefit from: 

  • An up to 6-camera live streaming setup, offering a new experience of liveness to remote audiences 
  • Feedback and mentorship during the 3 months leading up to the festival
  • 2 tech rehearsal slots at the festival venue working with technology, operators and mentors to help you realise your ambitions for their piece
  • A live audience at a London venue creating a showcase opportunity for curators/programmers to attend
  • £1650 bursary plus a percentage income from online ticket sales
  • Potential income from watch-on-demand recordings of the work
  • Promotion of OOTFest25 (UN)SEEN by IJAD, the venue, and other partners

How do I apply?

Fill in our online application form using this link:  


Application deadline: Feb 24 2025

If you have any questions please email: hello@ijaddancecompany.com